domingo, 19 de octubre de 2014


There is some pictures and a link to mega when you will find all the albums of this awsome band, enjoy it 

 just ignore the ads and wait until this button appears to be redirected to mega, with that you help me to keep uploading music :)

There is the link: Nirvana discography

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Nine Inch Nails Discography 

There is the discograpy of this amazing band, some photos and a link to a folder in mega where you will find all the albums of the band, enjoy it :)

when you make click on the link it will sendo you to a page whit ads just ignore the ads and wait 5 seconds until that button appears, whit that you help me to keep uploading music ;)

There is the link: Nine Inch Nails Discography;

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Welcome to Dark One Music 

In this blog you will find rock music and if you ask i´m goin to upload some more genres :) 

let's start this blog with all the albums of 30 seconds to mars i hope you enjoy it :)

there is a link to a folder in MEGA whit all the albums enjoy it 30 seconds to mars folder